So those of you who run with a heart rate monitor what rate do you usually run at. What should i expect my heart rate to be. My max is 182.
Runners what heart rate do you run at. I want to run but am afraid to get my heart rate too high.?
a general rule of thumb for your max heart rate is 220 minus your age... so if you%26#039;re 15, your max would be 205
depending on what type of workout you%26#039;re running, whether it%26#039;s an easy day or a hard day, you should go for different rates
for easy days, try to stick to about 75% of your max heart rate
for hard days, you can go anywhere between 85-100% of your max
just whatever feels comfortable to you is most important. don%26#039;t get too caught up in your heart rate, because you%26#039;ll lose your ability to listen to your body. if your body says you%26#039;re working too hard, then listen and ease up the intensity
Runners what heart rate do you run at. I want to run but am afraid to get my heart rate too high.?
The idea of a scale that gives you your maximum heart rate is out dated. People can run a much higher rate than 220 minus their age. People are different and their heart rates are different. If you are talking about doing distance running at a percentage of your max, you really don%26#039;t have to worry. Your body will tell you when to slow down. If you are conditioned you can run at a much higher percentage than most people. The success of distance runners is that they can run at a much higher percentage of maximum speed for a long distance. Sprinters can run much faster, but can not run at a high percentage for very long. When I am training with a monitor during intervals I wait until my rate is below 110 before starting the next interval. I never worry about what I was hitting during the interval. If I am running distance I just run what I feel like running that day.
Runners what heart rate do you run at. I want to run but am afraid to get my heart rate too high.?
I%26#039;m 15 old proffesional runner but we all proffesional runners don%26#039;t know our heart rate. We run like coach says. For you i propose to run in the pace, then you can make a smile in your face and talk to someone. It means you%26#039;re running in the right pace.
Runners what heart rate do you run at. I want to run but am afraid to get my heart rate too high.?
Both I Run... and lestermount have good points.
The estimated maximum heart rate of 220 (or 200, depending on who you ask) - your age is an old calculation. It is not necessarily the most scientific. However, it does give you some idea of where you should be. Some people like to run at 100% of that, but most people stay at 80-90% of that maximum heart rate.
What you should do is to run with a heart rate monitor and see at which heart rate do you run the best - not necessarily the fastest but instead the best overall performance - longer distance at consistent speed. The point of knowing your optimal heart rate is that, when you are doing distance running, you can maintain yourself at that heart rate so your body can work efficiently, so you can run that long distance at your best speed without tiring out too quickly. As for training short distance, maximum heart rate at speed training doesn%26#039;t mean much.
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