
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Question about fitness test and heart rate?

I took a 5 minute fitness test and after the 5 minutes of working out I stop working out and place my hands on the heart rate monitor. It said I am below my average. What does that mean exactly?

Question about fitness test and heart rate?

If you%26#039;re showing as %26quot;below average%26quot;, it will likely be because your heart rate was higher than the machine thinks it should have been (if you put in all your information, weight, age, etc.).

Take the results with a grain of salt, though.

Question about fitness test and heart rate?

It just means that either you are very fit and your heart is used to doing a lot of cardio, or it means you weren%26#039;t working hard enough and didn%26#039;t get up to where you should be for that amount of activity. You might need to increase your intensity a little bit.

Question about fitness test and heart rate?

Providing you keyed in your age sex and weight i think it is probably meaning your cardio and stamina could be better. Not really sure. I have done the 5 minute fit test on the treadmill and i am below my fitness average. Just keep working out and check it once a week, mine has improved slowly but that suits me fine as long as it isn%26#039;t getting worse.

Keep it going.

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