Hello. I am 32, very thin (125 lbs at 5%26#039;8%26#039;%26#039;) and very athletic (play a lot of sports). I wear a heart rate monitor (Polar) when working out and sometimes leave it on when I am home. I notice that sometimes my heart rate will be in the normal range (60 to 85 bps) when I am sitting and watching Tv or reading and then it jumps to about 215 or 233 it stays there for less then a minute. This happens about twice a day (at different times). Should I be worried? Do I need to see a doctor? Does anyone knowwhat might be happening? Thanks in advance for your help.
Heart rate jumps to 215-230 BPS for %26lt; minute, why? Is it dangerous?
It sounds a little like Wolf-Parkinson White syndrome. Read up and see if it applies.
If it sounds close, you should see a doctor ASAP. It could be fatal, but there%26#039;s a surgery they can perform that takes care of it. Good luck.
Heart rate jumps to 215-230 BPS for %26lt; minute, why? Is it dangerous?
Yea you should seek a doctors advice, you are way too thin.
Heart rate jumps to 215-230 BPS for %26lt; minute, why? Is it dangerous?
Definitely need to see a doctor. Don%26#039;t wait any longer it%26#039;s not healthy and may turn in to something dangerous.
Heart rate jumps to 215-230 BPS for %26lt; minute, why? Is it dangerous?
This is absolutely not normal.I can%26#039;t believe you didn%26#039;t pass out with a heart rate this high.You should ask your doc for a holter monitor to wear for 24-48 hours while it continually traces your heart rhythm.You go back to the office and he reads the strips and he can make an accurate diagnosis.I also suspect your machine is malfunctioning.
Heart rate jumps to 215-230 BPS for %26lt; minute, why? Is it dangerous?
get to a doctor...unless the monitor is on the fritz this is really bad
Heart rate jumps to 215-230 BPS for %26lt; minute, why? Is it dangerous?
its can be normal, everyones heart rates will suddenly start racing or slow down, you may have a heart mermor, i have a slight one which i was told causes my heart beat to do the same thing,they can be a problem but only if the heart memor is major if its only a slight one then its no problem at all. but to be safe deffiently make a docs appoitment just to make sure there is nothing serious going on.
Heart rate jumps to 215-230 BPS for %26lt; minute, why? Is it dangerous?
I very concern about your current situation, I suggest you shoud go see your doctor ASAP.
Heart rate jumps to 215-230 BPS for %26lt; minute, why? Is it dangerous?
Should see a doctor to be safe...
But it is more than likely, just the heart rate monitor recalculating the rate. Check with the manufacturer if this can happen with your model, they%26#039;ll probobly say only accept a constant reading over a full minute...
Heart rate jumps to 215-230 BPS for %26lt; minute, why? Is it dangerous?
It sounds like paroxysmal atrial tachycardia. I have no idea why you are doing this. I would consult a cardiologist. I do not believe it is life threatening, though.
Heart rate jumps to 215-230 BPS for %26lt; minute, why? Is it dangerous?
Yes, your heart rate looks fine until you have this rapid increase to the 200%26#039;s..this is speculation without a EKG while you are having this rapid increase but it could what is called atrial fib or flutter and or it could be ventricular in nature which could be called SVT..but what ever it is this is a serious concern. I am an ER nurse and you could be having a lethal dysarrthymia that could cause death...Not to scare you but this is why I am telling you to see someone ASAP..they may need you to wear what is called a %26quot;Holter monitor%26quot; which will capture what your heart is doing all the time in a 24 hour or longer period..are you having shortness of breath or chest pain with this?...good luck..
Heart rate jumps to 215-230 BPS for %26lt; minute, why? Is it dangerous?
This may be a condition called paroxysmal atrial tachycardia (PAT) for short, and you should go see the doctor.
Heart rate jumps to 215-230 BPS for %26lt; minute, why? Is it dangerous?
Sounds to me without seeing your EKG that you have bouts of AFIB going on which is a kind of SVT. I%26#039;d call your doctor and talk to him about this.
He will most likely want you to wear a Holer Monitor for a week or so, to catch these episodes.
From there, there%26#039;s medication to take, or even a very cool procedure that takes care of this issue.
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