
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pregnant with a high heart rate and heart murmur, how should I deliver?

I am pregnant and have a heart murmur (sm hole in my heart). The real issue is my heart rate. I wore a heart monitor and my heart rate got up to 160 bpm! A normal heart rate is between 60-100. I have been on bed rest since 28 wks. I went to the hospital at 28 wks because I was having contractions and when they took my heart rate they saw that it was high. It was at 124, then 145 when they took it later. I can%26#039;t take meds to slow down my heart rate because i%26#039;m pregnant and I also have astham. So i%26#039;m going to be delivering in 2 wks and I have to decide if I want to try vaginally or get a c-section. There are risks with both. Vaginally they will only let me push for an hour cause it can put alot of strain on my heart and if I have trouble i%26#039;ll have to have an emergency c-section. But with a c-section once they get the baby out the extra blood flow could be too much for my heart to handle. I%26#039;m so confused and not sure what%26#039;s best. PLease help, especially if u%26#039;ve gone through this!

Pregnant with a high heart rate and heart murmur, how should I deliver?

I didn%26#039;t have heart problems exactly like that. I have SVT where it would get in these cycles of beating fast. Anyway, the first doctor didn%26#039;t do anything special and after 30 minutes of pushing I had to stop because it was too much for the heart. The nurse had come in and said I was close to a 10 and they were going to %26quot;work%26quot; me. Which meant they rub the area to keep from tearing and you push with the contractions. They ended up using the vacuum on her. The next doctor was a lot better. They all recommended getting an epidural so that it would help the heart. With my second child they waited until I was ready. I was able to feel the pressure of him coming on his own. The called the Doctor and once he got there I only pushed twice and he was out. It was a HUGE difference. So, if you aren%26#039;t feeling the pressure, then you tell them you aren%26#039;t pushing. (As long as there are no complications and they need the baby out sooner) Your body will slowly push them out, you just have to be patient.

Pregnant with a high heart rate and heart murmur, how should I deliver?

I have a slight heart murmor and my heart beats crazy sometimes and I was told that I would be fine! I would try natural birth..Take care!!

that lady who posted a response first seems crazy!! she say%26#039;s that on every question she answers! what the heck is she talking about??

Pregnant with a high heart rate and heart murmur, how should I deliver?

I have not gone throught this and I am sorry that you have to. Personally I am sure that you will have extra specialists in the room just in case something were to happen (I will pray not) but I think that if it were me I would definetly try vaginally first. I only say that because you might be pushing for less than an hour and it will be a faster recovery for you. I would try it that way first and I am sure that the doctors will take good care of you. Good luck and god bless.

Pregnant with a high heart rate and heart murmur, how should I deliver?

wow, what a situation. I%26#039;m sorry you have to go through all of this. I haven%26#039;t gone through this my self so it%26#039;s only what I might do. I%26#039;m guessing this is your 1st baby. If so the majority of 1st time mothers push for an average of an hour or more. I pushed for 2 and so did my sister. All of my friends pushed from1 1/2 hours-2 hours. So if they only let you push for an hour it is most likely that you will need the c/section. But at the same time like you said a c/section is very risky too. What has your doctor suggested? Or has s/he left it all up to you to decide? Maybe I would try natural, never know you might be one of the lucky ones and push for under an hour. If you%26#039;re not and have to have the c/section at least you know that it was the last resort and tried to avoid it. Good luck in what ever you decide to do and I hope it all goes well and you and your bubs are both healthy and happy.

Pregnant with a high heart rate and heart murmur, how should I deliver?

You are going to have blood flow either way you deliver and excessive blood flow could be a part of vaginal delivery as well. I think going for a vaginal is a good choice considering if things aren%26#039;t going so well, you could get a c-section anyway. If your doctors says you can go either way, I%26#039;d stick with the vaginal. Recovery is much faster.

Pregnant with a high heart rate and heart murmur, how should I deliver?

I haven%26#039;t been through it, but typically in your situation, they don%26#039;t let you push until the baby is quite low and then if needed they use foreceps. If it were me, I%26#039;d probably still try to avoid the C-sec. If you%26#039;re delivering early, your baby may be able to come without any tough pushing. They%26#039;ll be monitoring both of you very closely and can go to the C Sec pretty quickly if need be. Some ladies I talked to, they had them donate a pint of blood at the time they decided to go cesarean. One had a vaginal birth as she was being prepped-no pushing, one sailed through her C Sec no problem, the third lady suffered an adverse event during her section and almost died. It%26#039;s alot to think about. Best Wishes, my thoughts go with you.

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