
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Losing weight around the waist...cardio....heart rate.?

I%26#039;m having trouble losing weight around my waist/belly. I%26#039;ve been running for months now..although i%26#039;m not trained on how to monitor the runs or my heart rate. I%26#039;m planning to purchase a heart rate monitor today and put it to good use. What is a good training zone for someone who is 5%26#039;6%26quot; and 130lbs? HELP! I hope to have my belly in shape by June :o)

Losing weight around the waist...cardio....heart rate.?

Yeah, what they said. Sounds like you%26#039;re doing great.

Losing weight around the waist...cardio....heart rate.?

the rule of thumb is your MAX heart rate should be 220 minus your age. and your training heart rate is 70-80% of that number.

so if you%26#039;re 20, your MAX is 200, and your training rate is around 140-160. Try to keep your heart rate in that zone, and you%26#039;l be fine.

also, you want to keep your heart rate in that zone for at least 30 minutes so your body starts to burn fat.

Losing weight around the waist...cardio....heart rate.?

I know how you feel. Whenever I start gaining weight, it goes to my belly first. When I lose it, it%26#039;s the last part of my body to finally trim down. Your height and weight are not necessarily the sole factors to consider when calculating your heart rate. The main factor is your age, then your weight and build/height. Here%26#039;s a handy discussion of what to consider when figuring your target heart range to lose weight that I lifted directly off the American Heart Association%26#039;s website. Other than this, you might google %26quot;find target heart rate%26quot; and see what kind of hits you get. I did that and one of the first links was pretty accurate for me. It%26#039;s Type in your age, then choose one of the next options. It will generate a two-category result. I would just pay attention to the first part %26quot;% of Maximum%26quot; and Look at the first two columns to get your 60% and 85%.

As for me, I have found that a cardio combination of about 60% and 85% makes a great weight loss setup. What I mean by that is that once you discover your heart range, you can alternate cardio workouts with a 60% workout and an 85% workout. I have found that if I just go all out everyday, the weight does not come off as well as when I go about 60-65% one day and 85-100% the next day. I tend to have longer workout on the 60% day, and more brief workouts on the more intense day, but never less than 20 minutes. If you have access to a gym, some great machines for the 60% day are the elliptical trainer and any bicycle machine. Many of those even have metal touch pads that read your heart rate when you grip them for a few seconds.

Also, if you%26#039;re focusing on your belly, ab-workout, ab-workout, ab-workout! If that%26#039;s difficult, trust me, it gets easier the more you do it. I use Runner%26#039;s World%26#039;s Personal Trainer to generate workouts, and it has a great ab-workout regime. It costs a little money, about $6/mo., but I find it works well for me. Otherwise, I%26#039;m sure if you googled %26quot;ab workouts%26quot; you could find a ton of good stuff.

Lastly, I have found that someone with a darker skin tone naturally shows muscle definition more than someone with a lighter skin tone. Don%26#039;t know if this helps, but if you%26#039;re pale white like me, I have found that a bit of a tan brings out some muscle definition.

Good luck! I know that was a bit long, but I hope it helps. I%26#039;m actually trying to do the same for myself by June.

Losing weight around the waist...cardio....heart rate.?

Running wont do much good for losing weight in you belly. It only defines your legs to give it more muscle. Trust me, I%26#039;m a pretty good runner. I would suggest doing sittups. This has worked for so many people in losing weight. My mother is a personal trainer, so she teaches me everything. Make sure that while you%26#039;re working your abdominals, to breathe. This is very important if you want to lose wieght. I hope this helps.

Losing weight around the waist...cardio....heart rate.?

Great job - It sounds like you%26#039;re doing real good with your running. As a general rule-of-thumb, our bodies start burning fat as a primary fuel (over glycogen) when we%26#039;re at 60-70% of our MHR. Our MHR = 220 - age. See the link below for some more info on HR. Best of luck!

- Mike

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