
Saturday, June 19, 2010

My heart rate monitor shows me at 65-95% of MHR, is it safe?

I am 20, female, and the highest heart rate I have recorded is 218 whilst running. That was some time ago. Nowadays I go up to 195-200. I get the feeling this is very unsafe.

My heart rate monitor shows me at 65-95% of MHR, is it safe?

ok.. im a little confused since your question doesnt exactly match with the description but ill try to answer...

being between 65 and 95% is absolutely safe.

I assume you are a person who works out regularly since you own a heart rate monitor.

I would like to ask how you recorded that 218 as max heart rate, because if you saw that on your HRM, i do want to mention that sometimes due to static or other reasons, you might get an inaccurate value. Im a cyclist and I get this problem every now and then.

218 is quite rare, Ive heard of people reaching 208.. 209, or 203 like myself, but never 218.

anyhow... if that is really your max, then I doubt you have anything to worry about, it is not very unsafe, its simply that your anatomy and/or physiology allows you to reach it.

being at 195-200 for a little bit is safe as well... I would assume you reach it only for a few seconds or minutes .. correct?..

you have nothing to worry about, apparently you are working out pretty hard!! keep it up

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